How to enable Remote Desktop in Windows XP

  • Left click “Start
  • Right click “My Computer
  • Left click “Properties


  • Click on the “Remote” tab
  • Check the box “Allow users to connect remotely to this computer
  • Click “OK


* My option is selected and grayed out already because I’m on a domain and have a Group Policy enabling it.

About Shane Vanhulle
I'm 32. I have a wonderful wife and we will be celebrating our 10th anniversary this year (2011). I have 2 kids. 1 boy and 1 girl, Natalie 7 and Jack 7. My family is the reason I work and enjoy life. I've worked in IT (Information Technology) for 7 years. I started at the bottom and have worked my way up to Senior Engineer running the Project Department. I work for Axonus Technology Group, a small company that does outsourced IT for small and medium sized businesses. We handle all technology needs for businesses that are not big enough to have their own IT staff. We also have quite a few larger clients that have IT staff and we bring depth of expertise and manpower to issues and projects they need help with.

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